The market today is filled with candidates that not always contain the right skills for your organization. In the tech world, this process is even more robust because the competition is higher.
The developer that you have always been looking for can be easily found only if you are willing to play according to a couple of tips.
Amy Miller, a Senior Technical Recruiter at Google, talked and shared some of the most useful tips and tricks that help any recruiter shared.
- About the market – Talent markets are increasing without a doubt worldwide. All over the world, the unemployment rate of software developers is low. Everyone can agree that the software is eating the world. For example, it has been estimated that every tech talent in America has at least 4 offers to choose from.
- What should recruiters do is an excellent question. For a start, you can connect with 20 quality candidates to get one right. Recruiters should not send one thousand invitations. They should select candidates before sending offers or personalized messages.
- As a recruiter, you should give your talents access to what is in for them. You have to be open to answering all their questions regarding their position and benefits in the future. Elaborate on what they will learn and how they will be able to benefit and improve the organization. Make sure there is an adequate engineer next to you that will help you answer all the questions asked by your candidates. Start with 100-word Email and keep it short but powerful.
- Engage your candidate! – Connection with this person is the main thing you should worry about. Let your candidates speak; let your candidate tell you about their motivations. Ask non-work related questions. Appreciate everything that they say and also appreciate everything that they have achieved so far.
- After making them comfortable, tell them that you are the advocate of them. Offer help, flexibility, and timing.
- The candidates will choose what is best for them. If they decline, you remember it is not your fault. Recruiters have to learn from their mistakes as well. Do a little research and find out why you were rejected. Start from scratch and create something worth offering this time. Remember, it is not always money.
- Last but most important, do not be selfish. Be involved in the whole process, and be there from the start. Find out where to find the perfect talent (because not all of them use social media) and set meetups and events.
These are small but powerful tips that will help you be a better recruiter. The important written notes above will, for sure, lead you to your next successful hire.