Lure, Interview and Hire Data Analysts in the Easiest Way Possible

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Every industry makes strategic decisions with data analytics. That is the reason why it became so popular lately and why multiple tech companies depend on it and decide to implement it.

Data Analytics is here to stay because it is only increasing. Thus, the demand for data analysts is also rising. These developers do almost everything. Their involvement depends on their role and seniority, of course, but revolves around writing algorithms to explain the importance of discovery to the C-suite. Interestingly, their functions are incredibly specialized. For example, the work one data analyst does in healthcare is based on a different knowledge than the knowledge another data analyst has that works in finance.

Finding a perfect candidate for a data analyst role is tricky. The demand is high, so there are not a lot of options. You only need a good strategy that will help you find the perfect human for the job that will, at the same time, be equally flexible and abundant in skills.

Start with the job posting. A perfect job posting is the one thing that lures the best candidates. Include and highlight their responsibility. Be sure to mention:

  • Collaboration with managers
  • Proper function with end-users to establish data/reporting requirements
  • Able to present database quality and inform about data quality issues
  • Make appropriate documentation
  • Secure communication with other team members or teams

Every position is different. That is the reason why every skill is not relevant. Companies that seek data analysts should know precisely what their position requires and which skills are needed. But, let’s move the special requirements aside. Let’s focus on what should every data analyst present, special skills aside:

  • Implementation of well-rounded abilities, technical and communications skills
  • Self- management
  • Team player
  • Proficient in business and technical terms
  • The required skills:
  • RapidMiner
  • Knime
  • Datawrapper
  • Tableau
  • Postgresql
  • Google Fusion Tables
  • SAS Sentiment Analysis
  • Apache Hadoop
  • Python
  • R
  • SQL

The certifications are also essential, and few of them include CCA Data Analyst, SAS Certified Data Scientist, Data Science Council of America Certification, and Microsoft MCSE: Data Management and Analytics.

When it comes to the interview, you have to make sure that the candidate has the right hard skills for the required position. Also, they should have excellent soft skills and should know how to communicate with every stakeholder involved. The pressure is something that always comes hand in hand with this job, so they should be able to work well under pressure. Ask your candidate mostly about the previous experience. That is how you would be able to determine their ability and their work style. You can always give a problem and seek a solution, or in other words, you can always give them tests to determine their knowledge.

In short, give them an offer they can’t refuse. Your job posting should be clear and present them precisely what they seek and want. Allow growth, good paycheck, flexibility, and wait for a miracle. The right data analyst will bring you additional benefits. It is worth the wait.