Types of Pre-Employment Testing

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Different kinds of pre-employment tests can be used according to specific needs. Some of them aim to examine physical abilities, while others evaluate the person’s mental skills. A pre-employment test can help you understand better if the candidate is a good fit according to your company’s expectations. 

Pre-employment tests can be summarized in three major groups. A background check will look into the person’s past to find if there are any criminal records or what is their employability. Drug screening and physical tests are used to determine whether there is a history of use of alcohol and drugs, as well as to test the physical health of the candidate if needed for the specific job. A job-knowledge test is used to evaluate different skills and abilities that are key for the position and the desired performance. 
Furthermore, pre-employment tests can be separated into several types depending on the specifics.  

Skill Tests 

These tests measure the applicant’s skills needed for a particular position and the ability to apply them. They can be conducted by using different scenarios and measuring the candidate’s reaction. 
These can be job-specific and include different types of tests aiming to evaluate technical, cognitive, personal, or communicative skills. 

Cognitive Ability Tests 

These tests aim to check the candidate’s cognitive abilities, such as the thinking process, learning potential, and problem-solving capacity. 
Compared to interviews and work experience, cognitive tests are considered to be more effective to predict the candidate’s performance on the job. 

Personality tests

These types of tests measure if the applicant is considered to be the right cultural fit and whether their personality is right for succeeding in the position. 
An ideal candidate would not only be knowledgeable and intelligent but will also possess specific characteristics for performing a demanding job. Use personality tests in addition to other evaluation technics to predict how the applicant would react to a specific situation. 

Integrity tests 

These tests determine the applicant’s ethical views and are particularly useful if the job requires a certain type of persona. An integrity test will aim to identify whether there is a possibility for the candidate to lie, steal, or be dishonest on the job. 

Emotional intelligence tests 

These types of tests help to analyze the candidate’s behavior in different aspects including response to stress, working in a diverse team, dealing with challenges, controlling emotions. Recently, emotional intelligence is considered to be as important for job success as are soft and interpersonal skills. 

Background check tests

A background check is important in verifying a candidate and may include education, employment, criminal records, and credit history check. It’s imperative that the candidate is informed before such a test is conducted. 

Drug tests 

To conduct a drug test, you don’t have to notify the candidate before so that the test will be more accurate. The applicants are directed to a laboratory where they provide a sample (most commonly urine, saliva, or blood). The test is used to check if there was recent use of alcohol or illegal drugs. 

Language tests

These tests evaluate the applicants’ communication competence and skills, as it’s important for teamwork and collaboration. A language test may include vocabulary and writing skills check. 

Physical ability tests

These tests measure the candidates’ ability to perform certain job-related tasks that require certain physical abilities, such as strength and endurance. They might include balance, flexibility, cardiovascular, and muscular tension tests.  

Work sample tests

During a work sample test, the candidate needs to go through assignments that are similar to the tasks of the actual job. These tests can include training before performing the tasks, or require the candidates to describe their decisions and choices in a real-life situation.