Tips for Hiring the Right Developers the First Time Around

Photo by Keren Levand on Unsplash

Let’s say a company hires a developer then, less than two years later, the employee is fired or quits because it turned out they weren’t a good fit for the company. This is called a ‘mis-hire’ and is more common than one might think. However, it can be a waste of time and money—something every recruiter and hiring manager should learn to avoid.

Here are three tips for avoid mis-hires and hiring the right developer the first time around:

  1. Pre-hire introductions can be beneficial.
  2. The hiring process should include a mix of electronic and human decision-making.
  3. Tailor interview questions to the candidate and/or goals of the company.

Pre-Hire Introductions Can Be Beneficial

Most developers may turn down a position if he or she doesn’t feel that the company aligns with their values. Similarly, if the developer feels (or thinks they may feel) out of place among the business’s culture, it could lead to a mis-hire. Thus, introducing viable candidates to see what the company is like prior to making any final decisions could essentially prevent future mis-hires. They could have the opportunity to ask current employees how they feel about their jobs, which promotes relationships if the developer is hired while also giving them an idea of the corporate culture.

The Hiring Process Should Include a Mix of Digital and Human Decision-Making

Part of the hiring process should remain electronic. Whether it’s a screening tool, filtering candidates based on specific or necessary requirements, or skill assessments, the electronic portion of the process must include a human element. That could be a virtual interview or phone call, however, the final decision should be made by a human being instead of a virtual system. Electronic tools are designed to merely assist with the hiring process and not to be solely relied on. In fact, it has been proven within the past few years specifically, that the previous hiring process is not as effective due to changes in technology.

Tailor Interview Questions to the Candidate and/or Goals of the Company

Interview questions have always been an important element of the hiring process. They give hiring managers and recruiters a chance to get to know developers better. Unfortunately, the wrong questions are often asked, thus making interviews much less effective than they could be. Many companies use generic questions to ask all of their candidates. Not only is it of little use in the long run, but developers find it frustrating when they don’t feel their answers are contributing to the hiring process as a result of poorly chosen questions. There are many different directions to go about asking the right interview questions such as inquiring into the candidate’s previous work history, passions, technical skills, and so on. Interviewing could even consist of hypothetical scenarios revolving around the company’s values and real problems as well as how to solve them.


In a nutshell, the hiring process should be about deciding whether potential employees are good fits for the company. Getting more personal with them is an excellent way to accurately predict their value if they were to be hired. It makes the hiring process easier for both ends and will decrease future mis-hires.