Interns are no longer considered low-wage workers who can be had for free or at a discount. Although this may be the case in the past, companies are now more aware of the worth of their permanent and temporary employees.
Internships are no longer seen as one-time opportunities for a few weeks in the workplace. Interns are well-recognized in the corporate world for the contributions they make. Internships benefit both the intern and the company. Students who have just graduated from college need real-world experience in order to obtain useful skills. These short-term stays benefit interns but also employers since interns are not employed to meet KRAs. As a result, they’re more likely to think outside the box and devise creative solutions to tasks that your staff might typically approach in a “safe” way. They are also eager to learn and excited about their work since they are still in the early stages of their careers.
Employing the proper interns becomes even more critical for firms when multiple studies have shown that interns who become full-time employees tend to stay longer.
Interns Have Unrealized Potential
A company may benefit from the aid of interns in several ways. Apprenticeship culture used to be widely accepted as a means of commencing professional careers for most people. Fresh graduates had firsthand experience working with a mentor who would monitor their career and personal development. Modern organizations have welcomed internships in their distinctive ways. From specialized internships to part-time college employment to assist potential graduates in getting their first real-world industrial position.
Employing interns provides various benefits that companies may not be aware of, such as:
Providing a New Perspective
Internships this year will likely include a mix of Millennials and Gen Z grads, both noted for their prowess in the workplace when it comes to innovation. By rethinking old problems and practices, interns may help the organization adapt to the present world.
Creating a Workplace that is Tech-Savvy
Digital transformation is something that companies are proactively seeking these days. Internships are a natural match for this concept since most members of this generation have grown up with technology at their fingertips. Since they are more comfortable with technology, they are more open to using digital tools.
Developing a Talent Pool
By recruiting interns, your company creates a talent bank at the grassroots level, enabling you to retain high-performing college graduates. With the help of this, you may begin to hire full-time employees.
Increasing the Number of Employees
If an intern isn’t doing anything, he or she isn’t learning anything. As a result, you may assign them project responsibilities that will help them grow professionally while also relieving stress on the project’s major stakeholders. Regarding tasks that may be assigned, interns can be excellent resources.
Use of Assessment in the Hiring Process of Interns
There are several instances when interns have proven to be a valuable long-term resource. Hiring a skilled intern, on the other hand, allows recruiters to see these benefits firsthand. Finding and vetting interns is a time-consuming and risky procedure.
The difference between a great intern who has the potential to become a productive and long-term member of your team and one who uses up more resources than they provide may be determined by a pre-employment test like psychometric testing. In addition, every company’s hiring process includes an evaluation. Companies employ assessments to find and choose the most qualified and competent individuals for each job description. Using assessments in the recruitment process may assist employers in finding interns who are a good fit for their open positions.
Assessment tests may help recruiters profit from the following guidance since one of the most important responsibilities in operating a firm is choosing interns for every position. As a result, while assessing interns, you need to consider a wide range of abilities and attributes that aren’t readily apparent in their résumé. Education and internship success are the most important factors to consider when hiring.
For example, psychometric testing may assist recruiters in focusing on important areas such as:
- Sportsmanship and friendship
- Working capacity
- Organizational congruence
- Analytical capacity
- Decision-making capacity
- Motivation and zeal
- Skills learned
- Personality Traits
Any intern may be useful to your business regardless of whether or not you intend to keep them on as a full-time employee. Remember that no matter how long an intern works for you, your company’s name will always be included on their resumes. The supervisors you assign will have the most influence on the quality of their work because of the experience they gathered. For example, it is possible to gain extra credit by hiring an intern who can learn rapidly and swiftly progress.