The Database Developer is an increasingly essential role to any company in this digital age, and the task of knowing the right questions and answers to ask and expect at interview is a daunting one. Follow these guidelines not only to find out the best questions to ask of potential developers but also to see the answers that will signal a candidate who will stand out from all the rest and be a real boon to your business.
Question One: Do you have experience with both cloud-based and physical databases? With which infrastructures are you most familiar?
Why this question is essential – There are so many different infrastructures and methods that knowing your developer’s specialty is a requirement of using their skills well. Candidates who offer varied experience and versatile examples are likely to be very tech-fluent and able to think laterally about solutions. As well, if they’ve worked with multiple databases at once, this shows an ability to work on large projects with a broad scope.
Your ideal candidate will:
- Mention the top industry databases (such as Microsoft SQL Server) in the context of previous employment or projects.
- Show varied experience with less common infrastructures and an ongoing eagerness to expand knowledge across a large number of platforms.
- Have experience with both physical and cloud-based infrastructures, and describe how they can transfer skills between both.
- Be interested in AWS or other certification for progressive movement within the industry
- Be aware of industry trends, such as the movement towards fully cloud-based databases.
Question Two: What has been your most challenging project? How have you overcome these challenges?
Why this question is essential: There are always errors in a tech environment no matter how careful we are, and this question tests your potential developer’s ability to manage problems as they arise. It helps see how they work under pressure and with heavy workloads, as well as showing their thought processes when faced with a challenge. Issue troubleshooting is always going to be a crucial part of the role. The ability to work by themselves and with their team to overcome anything is critical.
Your ideal candidate will:
- Provide a relevant example and offer a brief explanation of the company’s background and situation.
- Explain the problem succinctly but in detail, and identify the exact challenge points.
- Show their solution to the issue, how they reached it, what they did, and how they did it.
- Describe the results of their actions and how they benefited the company and overcame the issue.
Question Three: How have you previously handled data loss during migration?
Why this question is essential: Nobody knows more than database developers that data loss is never completely avoidable. Data protection is paramount, but knowing how your candidate copes in the face of potential catastrophe is also essential. They must be able to think and act quickly, as they are the last line between the company and disaster when things go wrong.
Your ideal candidate will:
- Acknowledge that, while they want to avoid this situation, they prepare for all eventualities.
- Give step-by-step knowledge on how to trace the source of a problem and restore as much data as possible.
- Show how they deal with potential issues about copied or lost data and corrupted data.
- Describe the challenge with optimism in a way that sounds both calm and confident.
Question Four: What is your method for troubleshooting database problems?
Why this question is essential: Troubleshooting is one of the most critical parts of this role, so fully covering every aspect of it is vital. This particular question helps examine the candidate’s problem-solving process, resource usage, and their ability to strategize.
Your ideal candidate will:
- Show stringency in maintaining their databases before problems arise.
- Describe how they trace the root of all problems and work out how users are affected.
- Display a willingness to take care of issues by themselves rather than outsourcing fixes
- Explain how self-maintenance acts as a learning experience for them and how they plan to avoid future recurrences.
Question Five: How would you ensure security for our database?
Why this question is essential: In an increasingly technological world, security is beyond vital. That goes double for databases, which hold crucial customer information, which could potentially be disastrous if leaked. As well as testing their knowledge, this question will ensure the candidate is up to date on recent security concerns and solutions.
Your ideal candidate will:
- Mention basics such as passwords before launching into more in-depth solutions.
- Suggest encryption and management of permissions.
- Discuss accessibility issues and balancing convenience with security.
- Explain the need for audits and vigilance over who accesses databases and where and when they do.
- Show an understanding of security problems and how to tackle them without limiting the ability to work productively.
Using these five questions will help you narrow down and locate the best candidate for the role, giving you the perfect Database Developer who will maximize your business’s potential.