What Makes Technical Screening Beneficial for the IT Industry?

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Photo by Arif Riyanto on Unsplash

The hiring process in the IT industry can be challenging. As different interviewing tools become available, they could be implemented by most companies, but maybe not all. In fact, the majority of those tools are helpful. There are tools that benefit some industries more than others.

One of those is technical screening interviews.

For the IT industry, this could mean the difference between interviewing the right candidates or interviewing candidates that only look good on paper. Technical screening goes a step beyond regular screening interviews because it asks questions about the technical experience.

Here are 6 ways in which technical screening interviews benefit the IT industry:

  1. Subconscious biases can be significantly reduced—or even eliminated.

Recruiters and hiring managers in the hiring process often have a subconscious image of their ideal candidate. Unfortunately, that often seeps into the process and can come out in the interviewing stage. Technical screening allows recruiters to ask technical-based questions, which can reduce bias by focusing on the candidates’ skills and experience.

  • Boosts confidence in hiring candidates.

Screening interviews generally help recruiters get to know candidates. Technical screening adds to that by asking general and technical questions. This boosts recruiters’ confidence in the candidates they’re looking to hire.

  • Recruiters can pass on recommendations for tech professionals based on the results.

The results of technical screening allow recruiters to create a list of highly qualified candidates that they can give to hiring managers.

  • Mis-hires/Turnover rates could potentially disappear.

A mis-hire or turnover is when an employee leaves a company, often after a short period of time. The hiring process can costs companies a lot of money, time, and resources, which is wasted when employees leave. Bringing in better qualified, interested candidates could solve that issue. This could be done through a technical screening interview because the questions go both ways. Although only candidates answer the questions, they can get a feel for what the company values through the types of questions they’re being asked.

  • Reduces time, money, and resources.

As mentioned, the hiring process uses a significant amount of resources, money, and time. Companies have to factor those things into their hiring plan, along with an estimated salary range, before they can begin bringing in candidates. By replacing a few stages of interviewing clients that were previously a part of the general hiring process, technical screening can reduce some of the costs and time. It does this by helping recruiters narrow down the candidate pool.

  • Improves the experience on all fronts.

Through the elimination of unqualified candidates, the remaining ones will have a better experience. Additionally, recruiters are more confident in their funneled candidate selection because they have a better sense of what the candidates can do. This ultimately improves the hiring experience on all fronts—the candidate side and the recruiting side.


Technical screening interviews are a tailored tool for the IT industry to help speed up the hiring process. They also benefit companies by reducing mis-hires and turnovers, thus leading to a more stable economy for the entire industry.