5 Tips for Fixing Bias in the Hiring Process

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Photo by Christina @ wocintechchat.com on Unsplash

Bias has always been present in the hiring process. Previously, there weren’t many proven and effective ways of reducing it. More companies began to focus on the human aspect of their candidates rather than just the technical skill side. Over the years, technological advancements, newer tools, and a shifting perspective have slowly lowered biases when hiring.

The interview part of the hiring process in particular is where a lot of bias comes into play. Instead, let’s look at 5 tips for how to fix bias through the interviewing stage.

  • Mistakes are there to learn from.

Whether it’s from previous hiring ventures or recent mistakes in the current one, mistakes may always be present. More importantly, it’s vital for recruiters to be able to learn from them. Examples of those mistakes might include personal negative emotions, briefly allowing bias to cloud judgment, and focusing on one characteristic or flaw too much.

  • Make it a two-way street.

Interviews will primarily consist of the recruiter asking questions. On the other hand, giving candidates a chance to ask any questions they might have could benefit both parties. There are occasionally things a recruiter might miss or not think is important, but the candidate may value it. This is also the time for both sides to be open and clear about what they understand, what is expected of them, and so on for the remainder of the process.

  • Adopt a ‘lifetime learning’ mindset.

The tech industry is constantly changing. In particular, the release of new technology, updated software, and shifting trends. Recruiters should adopt a mindset where they are always learning about new additions to the tech industry. This will help them be better recruiters by developing an extensive knowledge of the industry they work in.

  • Goals + questions = better results.

Good recruiters will prepare for their interviews. Preparation should include a list of goals and interview questions. The goals could be for the overall company or a specific job. On the other hand, recruiters who add both to their list are more prepared. Creating a list of interview questions is another step to achieving better results in the interview process. Having too many benefits recruiters more than a smaller, more general list. They should also be basic and technical questions.

  • Gather feedback at the end.

Sending survey questions and having candidates fill out a paper survey at the end of the interview are two ways to gain feedback for the interview process. Recruiters can use that information to plan more efficient interviews. Understanding if questions are confusing, offensive, or irrelevant are a few things candidates might say. Their overall experience with the interview could be another. Gathering feedback is recommended to be anonymous to make candidates feel comfortable enough to answer honestly without feeling like they will be reprimanded for negative responses.


With the right tools and mindset, recruiters can fix biases in the hiring process. This does require awareness and to be actively pursued through every stage. By eliminating bias, recruiters are far more likely to find qualified, reliable candidates quicker.